Patient Testimonials


Dr. Kerin Orbuch has changed my life! I have been suffering with endometriosis since I was 16 years old and never knew it. I’ve been in countless doctors offices and countless ER’s and no one could ever tell me what was wrong with me! I finally moved to California and read up on Dr.Orbuch and was excited to take the chance! Upon the first visit she already eased my mind before even examining me and she was able to tell me that everything that I have felt and gone through was real and had explanations for everything! This was the first time in so many years that I Finally had answers! She is absolutely amazing she truly cares about each and every patient that comes into her office! I promise you will NOT regret being treated by Dr. Kerin Orbuch it is the best decision I have made hands down! I can honestly say I have my life back and I could not be where I am today without her!



For those that have been suffering from endometriosis know that it’s struggle to find the proper doctor. It’s a struggle for someone to understand and willing to help. This disease leaves many of us hopeless. That’s why for any woman dealing with endometriosis you must see Dr. Kerin Orbuch. She is true blessing. She listens and truly cares for your health. She gives advice and guidance that other doctors would never give you. Like others have mentioned, she is an angel and a hero.



I finally found Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch after nearly 15 years of pain and suffering with my menses which had evolved into daily pain during the last several years and truly impacted every facet of my life. I had lost hope and felt that life would always “just be this way”. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was the first doctor to hear me, truly hear me. She carefully listened to me describe all of my symptoms and was able to diagnose me with endometriosis. She performed my excision surgery two months ago where copious amounts of endo and a large endometrioma were removed. Honoring my wishes, she removed nearly everything while leaving all my reproductive organs unaffected – a testament to her tremendous skill given how advanced my endo had become. I am still very much in the healing phase, but I am feeling better with each passing day and much better than I was prior to surgery. Hope has been restored and for the first time in a very long while, I’m beginning to see what a life without chronic pain is like. (And it’s amazing.) If you’re reading this and feel that you or someone you know may be affected by endometriosis, please consult with Dr. Kerin Orbuch. You will be in expert hands. With her deep knowledge and comforting, reassuring demeanor you will be forever grateful to have found her.


I had been to 8 different doctors before finally meeting with Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. I was being bounced between gynecology and urology for 3 years. I was living in so much pain and I was really getting discouraged and depressed and thought I will be living in pain forever.

The day I met Dr. Kerin Orbuch I knew things will be different, she listened to me and all my symptoms like no Dr ever had before. She spent over 2 hours with me. She diagnosed me with Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and Interstitial Cystitis. Finally I felt validated.

She is so knowledgeable and you can ask her anything and she answers you with patience and respect. She is a very thorough doctor and she did not rush into surgery. She sent me for different tests and she would not do surgery until she had all the facts. She is such a caring doctor and always wants the best for her patients. She is a very skilled and uses the latest techniques like robotic surgery.

It has been a few weeks since my surgery and I feel improvement already. She also sent me to a pelvic pain specialist to downgrade the central nervous system to calm the pelvic nerves down. Dr. Kerin Orbuch also encourages her patients to go for pelvic floor physical therapy to relax the pelvic floor muscles which get extremely tight from years of being in pain, which I just started, so I’m looking forward to feeling like a new person again.

I am so lucky and grateful to have found Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. Her receptionist is always a pleasure to deal with and her surgical team in the hospital was exceptional. Thank you Dr. Kerin Orbuch. May you continue healing and helping woman!

What can I say about Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch…?

Part hero. Part angel. 100 percent gifted surgeon.

Without her, I shutter to think what kind of condition I could be in right now. I feel confident as I sit here writing this that I would still be uninformed, misinformed, and wrongly medicated with the possibility of having lost an ovary. When I had my initial consultation with Dr. Kerin Orbuch I learned more from her in that one appointment than I did from all of the other doctors I have seen over the last nine years combined. I knew I was finally in the hands of an endometriosis specialist and I felt completely comfortable putting my trust in her. 

Dr. Kerin Orbuch was the first doctor that looked at my ultrasounds and saw how large my ovarian cyst was and recognized that time was of the essence. I am filled with so much gratitude for her expertise and sense of urgency in my case. She advocated for me when no other doctor did and when I wasn’t yet equipped with the knowledge to do it for myself. She laid out a detailed and thorough plan for my surgery with an individualized protocol including her expert team. We had 3 meetings in just one week that typically take place over six weeks. Throughout the entire process Dr. Kerin Orbuch treated me with respect and as a priority. Every question I asked was answered extensively. She is incredibly meticulous. And she is extremely compassionate. I entered into surgery feeling confident and secure knowing that my fertility was her top priority. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was able to accomplish removing the cyst while still preserving the remaining ovary because she is an extraordinary surgeon.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch’s practice focuses solely on endometriosis so her in-depth experience with this disease is incredibly rare – she’s truly one of a kind. There isn’t another doctor who is more knowledgeable, more skilled, or more passionate about endometriosis. I am grateful and I feel so fortunate that Dr. Kerin Orbuch made me aware of the importance of excision surgery versus ablation surgery. She improved my quality of life enormously and has empowered me with the facts. Now I have the information that I need to make crucial decisions for my future. Knowledge is power.

What can I say about Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch…?

She’s simply the best! 


Endometriosis is a horrific, debilitating disease. I went undiagnosed for close to twenty years, with worsening symptoms in recent years. I am now a two-time patient of Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. I only wish I had found her sooner. She is a deeply caring person and talented surgeon. She assembles the appropriate team for each patient and makes a plan.

In addition to stage four endometriosis, I am also a MS patient. Dr. Kerin Orbuch initially prompted me to get neurologically tested after we spoke about all my symptoms, and ultimately I was diagnosed. She is even involved with causes benefiting MS research outside of her work.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is truly a God sent. She is hands down the best doctor for endometriosis. She cares about her patients wholly and is a rarity in the field. Now that she is bi-coastal she can bring her skill set to more ladies. Her services are sorely needed by many. I hope through her work she can help make endometriosis more understood in the medical field and perhaps even inspire others to follow her career path and help other.


Dr. Kerin Orbuch gave me back my life! I was in so much pain I was unable to work or do much physical activity, but was never diagnosed with endometriosis. I eventually ended up in the ER with severe abdominal pain, where they finally discovered cysts on my ovaries. I was sent home and told to look into having the cysts removed.

After searching for surgeons for several months and being continuously told I should just stick with pain meds and birth control for the rest of my life (with a potential for infertility), I finally found Dr. Kerin Orbuch. Her staff is lovely and really helpful, and Dr. Kerin Orbuch is one of the nicest people I have ever met. In the midst of all the stress I was experiencing, they all helped me to feel at ease, and Dr. Kerin Orbuch was able to alleviate my fears and clearly explain my diagnosis and my options. She is extremely thorough in answering all questions in detail and making sure you know exactly what to expect from surgery. After a long discussion, we agreed that surgery was my best option to improve my quality of life.

She also wanted me to do physical therapy, change my diet, and even take care of my mental health, all to make sure my body was healing effectively. She made sure that I had a plan and a large support system for healing. She also made sure to follow up with me once the surgery was over, and I am confident that she will continue to follow up with me in the months and years ahead. After my surgery, I feel so much better, it’s as if I am a new person!

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is an expert in endometriosis and there is nobody that I would trust more. My endometriosis left unchecked would have caused me endless pain, but Dr. Kerin Orbuch has now given me a chance to live without pain, and a much higher chance of having children.

I am forever grateful to her for giving me back my life. She is truly invested in her patients’ well-being. I cannot recommend her enough as a surgeon and gynecologist!

Endometriosis has been a battle for me since my very early teenage years. I was one of the lucky ones who was diagnosed early so I knew what I was battling. Despite that, with all the twists and turns my body threw at me I often found it difficult to be optimistic. I was at the end of my rope emotionally and had lost faith in doctors being able to help me when Dr. Kerin Orbuch was recommended to me.

I walked into her office, unable to keep from crying from sheer exhaustion of decades long battles with my own body.
I found a comforting doctor who listens, speaks clearly, offers hope with words, plans and actions. She’s treated me medicinally, surgically and with diet recommendations. She’s methodical, careful, and brilliant. With continued progress in my health, optimism from Dr. Kerin Orbuch and her incredibly helpful, kind team and unending support from all of them, my hope and health is returning. My quality of life is markedly improved and continually improving.

Don’t give up! I recommend 100% continuing the struggle against endometriosis with Dr. Kerin Orbuch and her team by your side. I wouldn’t do it any other way.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is an extraordinary surgeon. She was able to handle surgically what no other doctor I have seen in the 15 years of suffering from endometriosis was qualified or willing to do. Not only is she a highly trained and competent physician, she is also a compassionate one, who sees and understands that I am a whole person. She has won my trust and admiration.


It is my pleasure to write a review for Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. I, like many of you I am sure, was at my wits end after having 3 surgeries with no resolution to my pain and continued abdominal problems (cysts, etc.). My former surgeon told me the only other course of care was to go on Lupron, despite my already being on an IUD and birth control pills. Furthermore, I was given an exam and told nothing was wrong and I needed to see a GI doctor. I was a mess, with no end in sight other than heavier meds and more surgeries.

That’s when I did my homework and found Dr. Kerin Orbuch. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was immediately different than any other physician I had seen. She requested all my records and wanted to pour over related symptoms. Upon examination, she found the source of my pain and ordered additional tests, which confirmed her inclination. This was something missed by numerous other doctors which she found on the first visit! She also worked with me on some behavioral modifications and physical therapy (all very grounded in science) to get me back in shape and feeling significantly better. Again, these were suggestions no other physician bothered with in the past.

After months of follow up care and additional tests, I decided to have a hysterectomy. This was not an easy decision and at no point did I ever feel that this was my only option. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was supportive with any course of care I chose. However, I am SO grateful I can report on her ability as a surgeon! Despite this being the most intensive surgery I have ever had, my recovery time was nearly a quarter of what was typical for me in the past and my pain level was very minimal (over the counter pain meds for a full hysterectomy? Incredible!). I owe this to her getting me primed physically and mentally in advance of surgery as well as her incredible skill as a surgeon. I was blown away by her care and attention to detail in every aspect of the process, including assembling a fantastic surgical team who each knew my case and met me personally prior to the operation. This surgery changed my life.

If you have read other Yelp reviews with Dr. Kerin Orbuch, I am sure you are concerned about her not accepting insurance. I was too, as I am a normal person with health insurance and a modest income. However, if I look at what I spent out-of-pocket (with insurance coverage) for years of treatment and past surgeries, not to mention time off from work and years of pain, it is FAR greater that what I spent going directly to an expert and having my course of care corrected once and for all. I only wish I would have done it sooner! Not to mention, I was able to work with my insurance to help cover some of the costs, so not all hope it lost.

In short, Dr. Kerin Orbuch’s expertise and care changed my life. I finally feel like I have answers and a strong direction on how to take care of myself going forward and I could not have done this without her support. She was the first physician to see me as a whole person, not just a pile of symptoms and a uterus to be operated on. She is truly a gift and I could not recommend her more wholeheartedly.

I was referred to Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch by a friend when I was looking for a great gyno for regular annual appointments after relocating to New York. I did not realize at the time that she would be the one that would give me my quality of life back. During my annual physical exam I experienced the usual pain I always do. Dr Iris asked me if I have any other pain on a regular basis. I went on to explain that since high school (I am 28) I have experienced intermittent debilitating pain and that I was at the point where it was almost constant. I was seeing yet another gastroenterologist at this time since some of my symptoms seemed to be digestive related. I had been told that I had PCOS by my last gyno and that could be one source of the pain so I had stayed on birth control for the last few years. Dr. Kerin Orbuch explained the type of pain I had would not be caused by PCOS and she felt she might know what is going on.

After a couple appointments where she asked me a whole series of questions and reviewing my medical history, Dr. Kerin Orbuch explained she was convinced I had been suffering from Endometriosis this whole time. Fast forward many months and appointments and we made the decision that since I was at the point where I was in constant pain, it made sense to move forward with the advanced laproscopic procedure that she performs to diagnose and excise the endo. She spent a whole appointment pre-op going over my priorities and expectations for surgery which also made me more comfortable to be taking a step like this.The surgery was a huge success and she was able to remove almost all of the Endo lesions (there was a lot) while completely preserving my ovaries and uterus in hopes that I will be able to bear my children. I am 10 weeks post op and almost completely pain free already. I know that Endometriosis is a life long disease but I have complete trust in Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch and that she will help me manage it. Thank you for taking away my pain and frustration of the unknown and giving me back my quality of life. I am just happy I got lucky finding her, the more I read about Endo the more sad I am that so many women are given wrong information and have many exploratory surgeries with doctors that are not as educated or passionate about helping women manage Endometriosis as Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch is.

She is also extremely kind and upbeat. She is very down to earth and speaks to her patients with respect and concern for their input.

The history with my menstrual cycles were for the most part pretty normal, but around five years ago I began to feel the very discomforting feeling that would tag along with my PMS and menstruation. I always felt a painful tug in my lower back which later I was to find out that was actually endometriosis tissue hitched on the back of my uterus. The endo tissue inflamed so much before and after my period every month. The pain would reach to a very high intesity and degree depending on the time of the month. It would last for two weeks of my life every single month for five years.

I finally met Dr. Kerin Orbuch in this last year and she also helped me to discover the fibroid tumor attached to my uterus. That which I always felt just didn’t know that it was a growing tumor. I was so relieved to hear that the main cause of the excruciating pain every month was attributed to the endometriosis. And then to know that I had found the Gynecologist surgeon (absolute expert) that was going to turn my life around was the most promising moment I had last year. She educated me on the issues I was having and explained how her up-to-date laparoscopic methods of extraction would make it easier for permanent removal. I was all in!

Six months later I was on her operating table ready and willing for the exorcism of all of my discomfort. I knew I would finally be on the right track. The robotic laparoscopy surgery in the removal of my endometriosis and fibroid tumor was the best choice. Dr. Kerin Orbuch did the most amazing job. She is seriously the most caring and brilliant doctor I have ever met. I have been post surgery for a little more than two months now, and I feel so much more “normal”. I healed very quickly and easily. I walked up the stairs of my apartment the night of my surgery! I was even surprised to feel that every hour that first week, I felt better and better. It took around two full weeks to feel really good. I took it quite slow for around six weeks, but really felt incredible around the fourth. I am so happy that I decided to have this surgery. I have five very small incision scars that are on their way at fading out. The robotic machine used for my particular case saved my well being. I am smiling a lot more these days and feel free to move around more freely now. Thank you to Dr. Kerin Orbuch and her amazing team!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch for endometriosis. I had been in pain and have menstrual and digestion issues for years, and she was the only doctor to properly diagnose me and provide me with treatment. She recommended robotic surgery for removal of the endometriosis, and since surgery, I have not had any pain. My post-surgical scars are small, and I had a very smooth recovery. I could not have asked for a better surgery. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was also able to provide me with information regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis, two other conditions I have. Beyond being extremely knowledgeable and professional, Dr. Kerin Orbuch was friendly and welcoming; she openly and candidly answered any questions I had and made me feel at ease asking questions. Her staff was also friendly; they were warm and inviting. They ensured I had an easy time scheduling appointments. I highly recommend anyone suffering from gynecological issues to see Dr. Kerin Orbuch.


I truly believe Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch saved my life. When I first met her it was after a terrible experience that involved transfusions, a hospital stay for 3 weeks, and at the end of all that, no plan to address my bleeding from the Fibroids (think a Pad and a Tampon every hour or so) for up to 20 days w/ a few days break in between.

I was at the time I met her miserable and embarrassed; I had ruined a rental car seat, bled through my pants on metro-north to see my client, and traumatized my nephew and 2 nieces after a car trip…..was in such a state I needed a miracle or a full hysterectomy. I didn’t want a hysterectomy as I was only 44.

I have been through several surgeries w/ Dr. Kerin Orbuch – my Fibroids are still there but after the last surgery, she performed the miracle I needed and I have not had any bleeding in over 2 years. Over 2 years!!!!!!! Can’t emphasize how awesome that is for me!

I was very very lucky to have found Dr. Kerin Orbuch – I don’t know that many Dr’s would have been capable to do for me what Dr. Kerin Orbuch did. I feel a connection to her because she is such a caring, concerned healer who is focused on her patients and doesn’t rush to surgery.

I have been struggling w/ the best way to get across how great a Dr. she is – simply put – I would trust her in any situation and would recommend her to anyone who needs help. She loves what she does and it is evident.

Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch is an excellent surgeon and gynecologist. She is a consummate professional who believes in empowering her patients through education. In addition, she has a wonderfully caring bedside manner. She treats her patients as she would her own family, concerning herself with your total well-being. I would strongly recommend her to anyone.


Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch was recommended to me by an acquaintance; someone who had been her patient and received great results and wanted to help me.

In the months before seeing Dr. Kerin Orbuch, I was in physical pain and emotionally spent. I lacked the motivation to do things that were seemingly simple; even scheduling the consultation with her was a huge effort for me. I spent – 20 years seeing doctors who ignored me, misdiagnosed me, and the majority of the time, simply dismissed my pain. Before seeing Dr. Kerin Orbuch, I had undergone two ablation surgeries for endometriosis in less than a year and my symptoms had only intensified. I was deflated and sad – these surgeries were supposed to have been the answer for me and they had only made my situation worse. In the end, I managed to muster up the courage to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kerin Orbuch. It was the best decision I ever made.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch was the first doctor who ever told me that my pain was real – and that validation was the most powerful moment I ever experienced. I felt seen, heard, and understood. She is an incredibly kind, caring, and detail-oriented doctor. I always felt like I had the appropriate information and she always spent the time to thoroughly explain things to me. She immediately put together a team of doctors and technicians to successfully diagnose me. I’ve never been so relieved for my symptoms to be taken seriously. Dr. Kerin Orbuch’s approach to my healing was viewed from every angle; she put together a plan leading up to my surgery that involved pain management, diet, and physical therapy. All of these efforts were made to turn the volume down on my central nervous system so that I went into surgery in the best possible place so I could have the best possible outcome.

Her office staff if a pleasure to work with and made the navigation of the overwhelming amount of Paper-work and appointments as easy as possible. I won’t say the months leading up to my surgery were simple, however, they were effective and necessary.

My surgery was in February of 2016 and I can honestly say that I have been granted a new life thanks to Dr. Kerin Orbuch. My day-to-day life doesn’t even look remotely the same. Dr. Kerin Orbuch diagnosed me with endometriosis and adenomyosis and performed a hysterectomy and excision of my endometriosis. Post-surgery, I can make plans with people! I no longer spend one week of every month stuck in my home due to excessive bleeding. I have energy and my pain has improved 1,000%. I didn’t know this was how the rest of the world was living.

I have found that having endometriosis (adenomyosis, etc.) and the pain that is associated with it, to be extremely isolating. No one can really understand the depth of reach it has into your life – how much it effects your day-to-day, how much it affects you physically and mentally and how plain exhausting it is (unless of course, you’re talking to someone who has it). So, I’m writing this testimonial so that people know that they are not alone. There are so many women who suffer silently with this disease(s). And, what I have come to know in only in the least year is that there is an entire medical community dedicated to supporting women like me – who validate our voices and our pain.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is at the front line of this disease and I feel so lucky to call her MY doctor.

I had a sharp pain on my left pelvic area for over a month before consulting Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. From sonograms and CT-scans, I had my primary doctor baffled of the explainable pain. I was referred to Dr. Kerin Orbuch as the expert in solving explainable situations; I was in pain, anxious and scared and hoped she would be able to help me. I was not disappointed. Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch and her staff are knowledgeable, accommodating and sympathetic professionals. She is extremely thorough, competent and I appreciate how straight forward she is, without her I believe I would still be in agony. I am on my way to a full recovery thanks to her, I highly recommend Iris Kerin Orbuch, MD Advanced Gynecologic Laparoscopy Center. I can’t be more appreciative


I came feeling as if I was a hypochondriac… I left feeling like a human being.

I came feeling like I was at the end of my rope… I left with a new beginning of hope.

I came feeling unheard… I left validated.

I came with a diagnosis of psychological issues… and I left with a probable diagnosis of ENDOMETRIOSIS!

I had come feeling like a loser… but I finally left as a winner.

Five years later:
Sexual pain is history. Period pain is history. Medication is history. And Dr. Kerin Orbuch definitely made history for me… I will never forget her.

It takes skills, expertise, and most of all, passion for what you do, to be able to make such a difference in patients. Dr. Kerin Orbuch gave me the biggest gift I could have ever gotten. I got life. But not just life, a pain free life.

Thank you, Dr. Kerin Orbuch, for treating me not only as an endometriosis patient, but as a person first. I am forever grateful for getting my life back. It is my hope that anyone suffering from endometriosis end their misery by becoming your patient. I wish you many, many more successful years and lots of luck in doing what you do best: making a difference in peoples’ lives, marriages, families, and the list goes on. A message to endometriosis sufferers: If you want to get better, and truly believe that you will get better… you will. Just keep on believing that the day will come. Be determined to get to the bottom of everything, pray, keep strong, and see Dr. Kerin Orbuch. You will win over your endometriosis!

** Postscript**
It is now 5 years since my laparoscopy. Life couldn’t be better! So to crack the myths that endometriosis surgery serves as temporary relief and endometriosis returns after two years, well, it hasn’t. I am a healthy wife and mom that is super grateful to be up to this point. I feel absolutely amazing and have not the slightest bit of pelvic pain at any time.

Sexual pain is history. Period pain is history. Medication is history. And Dr. Kerin Orbuch definitely made history for me. I will never forget her.

In 2008 I met Doctor Iris Kerin Orbuch through my gynecologist at the time in NYC. My gynecologist was concerned that I was showing signs of endometriosis and wanted me to be evaluated by someone who specialized in the field. When I first went to Dr. Kerin Orbuch there was an immediate sense of trust and respect because of two main things: 1. She was patient, informative and extremely educated regarding endometriosis and women’s health in general 2. She did not rush me into surgery, she tried many different forms of treatment before resorting to surgery. Many doctors in today’s world rush patients into surgery for monetary purposes, but Dr. Kerin Orbuch does the exact opposite.

After trying different things, we came to a decision that surgery was the next option and I can say that after surgery I went 6 whole years without painful periods or intercourse and it was life changing. Sure enough, like anything else there is always a chance that there could be more endometriosis or scar tissue which could require further treatment. 6 years later, Doctor Orbuch and I met again after I was experiencing a great amount of discomfort. Once again, she tried every form of treatment aside from surgery from pelvic floor physical therapy, to birth control, and even a sex therapist, and still after all different options, we found ourselves resulting in surgery. It’s been a month and a half since my second surgery with Dr. Kerin Orbuch and I’m already feeling an incredible amount of relief.

Doctor Orbuch was very attentive before and after surgery, she called to make sure I was doing well, and made me and my family feel incredibly comfortable. She takes the time to explain her procedure before and after its done, and even in the office in pre-op appointments or check ups, there is no question she doesn’t have a well educated response for. My boyfriend came to my appointment and she’s so open and supportive she even allowed him to hold my hand in the exam room; which most doctors would be hesitant to allow.

As a social worker, I must mention that there is something to be said for Doctor with a bedside manner like Dr. Kerin Orbuch’s. If you’re looking for someone who knows what their doing, is at the top of the charts in performance, knowledge as well as bedside manner, she’s definitely the way to go. She also has an incredible medical team with whom she works. Doctor Orbuch is spectacular at what she does, and I appreciate her knowledge, expertise, training and ability to make a difference in so many lives. I can say, she truly made a difference in mine.

Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch is an amazing doctor and surgeon. She makes time for her patients taking detailed history and ensuring patients understand what is going on – she has often pulled out a paper and pen to draw diagrams to assist me with understanding diagnosis, medication and procedures.

She is kind, gentle, empathetic and makes you feel that you and your fertility are in safe hands.

I found Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch after discovering that I would need surgery to remove my fibroids. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was great because she agreed to be flexible with my schedule (I’m a teacher), picking a date four months in the future. She also has that rare combination of being clearly smart but also very kind. She was always able to fully explain what was going on with my body. I could ask any question, from the most basic, to the most technical without feeling silly. After the surgery, she made sure that my family and I were comfortable and healing well.

-L.J .

Office Appointments:

I was referred to Dr. Kerin Orbuch by another patient with endometriosis who LOVED her. I unknowingly suffering through many years of pain of what I now know as Endometriosis. She was the last doctor I went to after 12! She was kind, sensitive, compassionate, listened to me from beginning to end, and was present throughout all of our meetings. She never made me feel like I was just another patient. I am in the medical field and so I understand “high patient load, high stress, no time to care for patients the way we want” attitude. She is what and how medicine should be practiced- patient first (body, mind, and soul). She has a philosophy of not having a set time for each patient, so that each patient is heard and given the best care. This is only said to those of us waiting anxiously for our appointment with her, not to say that she is disrespectful of time! Yes, we all have things to do, but if we want full attention for our appointment with her I would want it the same for my fellow women who are suffering from endometriosis as well. Many of us go through years and years of people shoving us out the door, unseen, unheard, and with no answers. She works with your limitations and strengths as well. I also love that she educates/teaches you about what is happening to you while she is talking to you about different symptoms (the nurse practitioner in me screams with glee!! )

She also has THE BEST office administrative assistant- Evette. She knew my name, and attended to me promptly and with great kindness. During a time where I was meeting my 13th doctor, she made a WORLD of a difference, as she is the first person you see before Dr. Kerin Orbuch.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch was so attentive, saw me before and after surgery to make sure I was calm and to give me hope. She works with the best of the best staff. The circulating nurse was an incredible women who calmed my nerves and made me feel safe. The anesthesiologist started me off with a nice sedative so that I would stay calm during the “prep/organization” process of preparing me and the staff for surgery. Dr. Kerin Orbuch returned every single one of my calls post-surgery and if there was anything unusual she would send me to the best of the best.

I have never been seen, heard, or been cared for in such a way by the medical field. It was incredible to have experienced such an array of amazing doctors.

You will lose nothing by seeing Dr. Kerin Orbuch, you will only gain the knowledge of meeting another human being who is kind, compassionate, and cares about women. She is on the forefront of the work with endometriosis and maybe one day we will find a cure.

Over the last few years, my period pain went from bad to worse, to the point where it became debilitating for the first couple of days of my menstrual cycle and sickening for the remainder.

I came to Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch for the first time after severe pelvic pain led me to have ultrasounds that revealed two large cysts on each of my ovaries. It turned out a series of other health problems I was experiencing over the same time as my period pain worsened, such a severe rectal cramps and gastrointestinal changes, were in fact all related – something my GP completely missed.

I had my operation in September, and in addition to removing endo, my appendix also had to be removed during the procedure. It turned out I was also suffering from Interstitial Cystitis – something Dr. Kerin Orbuch discovered during the operation because she is scrupulous and always makes a point to check on the health of the bladder during the laparoscopy. The IC ended up rearing it’s ugly head a few days after the operation, and I unfortunately had to go back to hospital to be treated for a severe UTI. It was not the ideal post-operative experience – no-one wants to end up back in hospital – but Dr. Kerin Orbuch, who was not in the city at the time, was on the phone with hospital staff and my mother through the day and night to check in on my progress and the treatment. As an aside, I can’t think of one hospital nurse or doctor that didn’t comment on how small and perfect my incisions were – the scars that remain are small and slight.

At every step, Dr. Kerin Orbuch was attentive, kind, reassuring and informative – all with great candor, which my mother and I appreciated. While I still have period pain on the first and second day of my period, it is incomparable to the crippling pain I used to experience before and during my period prior to having the operation. I no longer have the sharp, shooting rectal pains at all. And I have changed my diet to treat the IC without having to take more drugs, something that was really important to me and that Dr. Kerin Orbuch encouraged.

I recently had DaVinci surgery with Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. I have suffered from Endo for years. My GYN found a cyst on my ovary that they suggested watch and wait. Having a history with Endo and a prior emergency surgery, I was not feeling confident in this suggestion and found Dr. Kerin Orbuch online. Orbuch successfully removed the cyst. I feel so lucky to have found a doctor that is so dedicated to Endo and the well being of her patients.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch was amazingly informative, compassionate and was very generous with her time. I would highly recommend her. I am 7 weeks post surgery and feel great.

My experience with Dr. Kerin Orbuch was first rate. From the initial consultation to post surgery care, I felt well-informed and emotionally supported. Here is a doctor who is not only brilliant in her field but is also passionately invested in her patients well being.


I highly recommend Dr. Kerin Orbuch as a gynecologist and as a surgeon. She’s very caring and really takes time to listen to your concerns and answer all of your questions. A few years ago I found out I had uterine fibroids but didn’t thoroughly understand my condition until I started seeing Dr. Kerin Orbuch. Last summer she performed a Laparoscopic Myomectomy to remove them and the surgery could not have gone smoother. Despite having 5 quite large fibroids taken out, my scars are minimal (and fading fast!). I’ve had no adhesions and I was back to work 2 and a half weeks after the operation. I can’t imagine seeing anyone else.


I found Dr. Kerin Orbuch after my first failed endometriosis surgery. The previous doctor did not remove all the endometriosis and endometriosis adhesions were causing small bowel obstructions. I was still in pain within 2 months after that surgery. I did extensive research on endometriosis surgeons and choose Dr. Kerin Orbuch because of the wonderful review from her patients, she accepted insurance and her office was easy to get to in New York City. I had my first consultation with her and found her to be friendly, down to earth and completely understanding of my issues. To be honest, I was a little surprised how knowledgeable she was on endometriosis. She gave me various options to control the endo but she did not believe in medically suppressing it. I really liked that about her and found her approach refreshing. I knew I had to have surgery again at some point but it took me a few years before I was ready to move forward with it. On the day of the surgery, I was scared but I knew I was in good hands with Dr. Kerin Orbuch. When I woke up from the surgery (about 9 hours later), Dr. Kerin Orbuch was there to tell me how extensive the endo damage was but reassured me that I was going to be fine.

Its been almost a year since the surgery and everything has healed nicely. I’m not in any pain. Dr. Kerin Orbuch has truly transformed my life and I’m so happy that she was my surgeon. She’s one of the best laproscopic surgeons in the country and I highly recommend her.

We have been trying to get pregnant for four years with no succcess due to fallopian tube and a suspected endometriosis issues. I went through two laparoscopic surgeries with no hope in sight. Then, I was referred to Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch by a fertility specialist. From very first day we met Dr. Kerin Orbuch, she was very supportive of my situation, caring and very diligent. Having gone through two ordeals before, I know I have met the right specialist from very first day. Through out the process Dr. Kerin Orbuch was very thorough in explaining the steps and what to expect before and after the surgery, and also asked what we wanted to do, if there were last minute decisions that need to be made during the complex procedure by explaining the ramifications and what is best for me and my chances for conceiving. The surgery went smoothly due to Ms. Orbuch’s due diligence and our hopes were up about our chances to get pregnant. The recovery after the procedure was amazingly fast, just as Dr. Kerin Orbuch had told us. Now, I am pregnant and I know in my heart, it would not have been possible without Dr. Kerin Orbuch. Thank you Dr. Kerin Orbuch for being such a great specialist.

We will always be thankful to you.

Best Regards,

LOVE Dr. Kerin Orbuch

In my opinion she’s a rock star; if robotic endo-surgeons were rock stars of course. There is no one more difficult than me. I am basically any doctor’s worst nightmare…a plaintiff’s medical malpractice lawyer. That’s right. I sue doctors for a living. So you have to be good to a) be my doctor and b) merit me taking the time to log on to yelp and bother to put in writing how good I think you are.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is extremely intelligent and most importantly very skilled. She’s a control freak in the OR which is exactly what you want when you are the most vulnerable. She answered all my questions and explained things I did not even think to ask. I had a large cyst in my ovary for which she ended up removing the entire ovary and cutting away a ton of endo. Fortunately, I did not have ovarian cancer which is something we discussed and instead of labeling her an alarmist for suggesting it was a possibility, I appreciated her candor.

She walked me through the entire process in advance. There was zero I was surprised about and I hate surprises…I am now seven months post-op and my several little scars have all healed well and I look and feel great. As for those reviewers who say she sent them for a lot of tests and gives a lot of warnings, believe me, you would not want the opposite; i.e., doctors who do not order the right tests and/or do not consider potential downsides and rule those out first. Those are the doctors I sue when I have women (and their husbands) crying in my office. Better to have a thoughtful doctor than one who blows you off and ignores or fails to recognize issues in advance. I hope I never need her again, but if I do, I know I will be in great hands.

I have been to a parade of Gynecologists that have said they “treat Endo”. As I know now, that isn’t true. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is a very different doctor & is a dedicated specialist.

When I met Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch I was so relieved to see a “normal” person. She wasn’t wearing a white doctor’s coat & instantly a feeling of comfort came over me. To this day I have Never felt like I have ever asked too many questions or been a bother to her. Unfortunately that is a huge problem with too many Doctors today.

I have known Dr. Kerin Orbuch for almost 4 years now & am delighted to recommend her as an Endometriosis Specialist. That is exactly what she is! She doesn’t deliver babies or do general GYN, she only sees women w/ Endo, imagine that!!!

I am preparing to have a second surgery soon & although I am nervous, I am confident that Dr. Kerin Orbuch will do the best she can. She is thorough, precise & kind.

In 2012 my primary care physician recommended that I get a second opinion to address my combined issues of infertility, fibroids and debilitating menstrual periods. He referred me to Dr. Kerin Orbuch.

As many patients have written about their initial visit, Dr. Kerin Orbuch set aside time to have a thorough discussion about my history, symptoms and complaints about pain. After listening to everything she asked if anyone had ever brought up the possibility of endometriosis and said that my combined symptoms – “cramps” for up to two weeks sometimes, painful sex, a constant pulling sensation in my lower left abdomen, bowel issues and unpredictable incapacitating pain for at least a day a month – suggested a very high probability of the condition. During the following exam she partially confirmed her suspicions with a quick, but uncomfortable diagnostic check, and spotted what looked like a polyp in my uterus during a routine ultrasound – later confirmed to be another fibroid.

In the follow up visit Dr. Kerin Orbuch suggested three avenues of treatment: hormones, pain management or surgery. Long story short, although I wanted to pursue surgery, life and work made taking adequate time off for recovery an issue. I ended up taking prescription pain medications for a more than a year while waiting to schedule my robotic surgery.

During the pre-surgery consultation Dr. Kerin Orbuch went over everything I needed to know, do and consider in having a surgical procedure. Bring your husband, partner, friend… someone – it’s a lot to take in! I had done my own research and knew that I wanted the Da Vinci robotic laparoscopy over the standard treatment, but she still took the time to go over the differences before we finalized my plan.

Surgery: I guess a lot of people have a tough time with the bowel prep – I didn’t think it was so bad and got through it no problem. I had the surgery at Beth Israel – it’s not the Four Seasons, but everyone I encountered was compassionate and professional. Surgery went well, but took hours since Dr. Kerin Orbuch found that I had implants and adhesions everywhere. She also removed the fibroid and did a thorough check of my bladder. Recovery from the anesthesia was the definitely the hardest part of the whole experience for me. I woke up in a lot of pain and distress, but the nurses listened and treated me accordingly.

Recovery was much easier that I had expected. Two days of being sore, two weeks of feeling bloated, but up and around (albeit limited and slowly at first). I’m glad that I gave my self enough time to ease back into being active. Over four months later I have just four tiny fading scars that healed fabulously and another in my cuter–than-before belly button that is practically invisible. Of course, the more important part is that I am feeling great for the first time in YEARS! I wish I hadn’t waited so long!

I’ve been a patient of Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch for about 6 years and I am very grateful to have found her.

From the moment my doctor suspected endometriosis, I wanted a specialist. I Googled endometriosis doctors, read the reviews and found Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. The reviews were very favorable and one even called her a goddess, I picked up the phone right then and made an appointment. From the very first visit I knew Dr. Kerin Orbuch was the right doctor for me. She is very knowledgeable about endometriosis, personable, genuine and caring of her patients as individuals. I have never once felt rushed or that I was just another patient on any given day.

During our appointments we would discuss my symptoms and review the current ultrasound, Dr. Kerin Orbuch would draw pictures to help me understand where endometriomas, endometrial implants, uterine polyps or fibroids were located and their sizes, what that might mean for me and my quality of life. She has always answered my questions (including my parent’s and later my husband’s) thoroughly and patiently, no matter how many we had. I’ve had two surgeries performed by Dr. Kerin Orbuch and both times I have never felt pushed into them in any way. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was terrific for both surgeries, she was there in the operating room to get me situated, she saw me in recovery and personally followed up with me the next day to see how I was doing.

The first surgery was to remove the uterine polyp. After a year of trying on our own and several attempts at IUI my husband and I decided it was crazy to do the same thing over and over expecting different results. We went back to Dr. Kerin Orbuch to excise the endometrial implants, endometrioma and fibroid, for second surgery we used the da Vinci robot to as it provided more flexibility with the instruments than traditional laparoscopy. Dr. Kerin Orbuch explained what to expect in terms of recovery. My recovery was as she described, I was sore after the surgery and I was out of the hospital the same day. I was up and around in a couple days, working from home by the third day and back to work the following week. I was back into my normal life within another week or so. I feel the surgery was successful, Dr. Kerin Orbuch excised many endometrial implants, the fibroid and endometrioma leaving my ovary and eggs intact and unblocking the fallopian tube. While we may still be trying to conceive, I know that the surgeries Dr. Kerin Orbuch has performed has improved our chances.
I am not sure if Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch is a goddess but she is definitely a Godsend to me.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch is fantastic! She was the first Dr. I have ever met that took the time to speak with me while I still had my street clothes on, and didn’t rush through my medical history. Dr. Kerin Orbuch has extensive knowledge and skills to remove endometriosis completely. I had laparoscopic surgery with her in 2008 and have not had a single problem with endometriosis since. She also found other problems that I have never even heard of, but are now managed very well. I never have a problem getting an appointment, and consider the annual visit a gift to myself and my health. This is the doctor that cares about her patients. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is truly a partner in my health and well-being. You might think that you can’t afford to go to Dr. Kerin Orbuch because she does not accept all insurance plans, but I feel that I can’t afford not to go to a doctor that I trust and feel comfortable with. The office is very easy to get to by car or mass-transit, and office staff is very friendly.


Finding Dr.Iris Kerin Orbuch was a true blessing for me.

I went approximately 18 years undiagnosed with endometriosis. Many years of pain and other symptoms that come with it. In 2014 my symptoms became severe and debilitating, not just during my cycle but throughout the month, for two years. My gynecologist preformed a hysterectomy and upon incision she discovered widespread endo. I needed an emergency ileostomy because my colon was heavily involved. I healed from all that but the problem was still there and my doctor didn’t have the skill set or knowledge to handle it. So I turned to the internet for help. There are very few doctors that are well versed in endo and how to treat it. I found Dr. Kerin Orbuch and had a good feeling about her. I was able to schedule a consultation with her quickly. She read my medical records beforehand and listened intently to my story. She also did a quick exam in office and immediately felt a large mass.

She knew my case was very serious and that she would need to put together a team of doctors to help me. She directed me to Dr.Martz, a colorectal surgeon, and Dr.Palese, a Urologist. She assured me that they were the best in their fields and that she would choose them for her own health if the need arose. They were everything she promised. Some of my symptoms weren’t consistent with endo and Dr.Orbuch urged me to go to my internist and push for testing. So I did and during my endo journey I was also diagnosed with MS. Dr.Orbuch was so supportive. She has several clients with this dual diagnosis and has over the years been involved with MS charity events because of it.

So I was ready for surgery. It can only be described as a well-oiled machine. The entire team was wonderful. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is a warm caring doctor and her bedside manner is awesome. Prior to the procedure she explained everything that would happen and went over the possible risks. The surgery went well, with each doctor taking turns in their area. They cleaned out the vast majority of the endo as well as scar tissue from my earlier surgeries. Unfortunately, my colon and bowel were heavily involved and I needed another ileostomy. So Dr.Martz will take over my case from here.

Dr.Orbuch is the absolute best. She is professional, knowledgeable, and skilled. She also genuinely cares for her patients. I am happy to report my pain level has significantly decreased. My other endo symptoms have vanished. I wish I had found her years ago.

Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch is one of the best doctors I have ever had. Although I consulted several physicians about my chronic abdominal pain, she was the only one who was able to diagnose my condition as endometriosis. After she performed excision surgery, my pain went away and the quality of my life improved greatly. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is extremely knowledgeable about the latest technologies in gynecological surgery. She also has a fabulous bedside manner and takes the time to explain complex medical terminology to her patients. It is obvious to me that she cares about each one of her patients. I would recommend her to anyone!


Dr. Kerin Orbuch is an accomplished surgeon who is considered one of the best in the specialized field of endometriosis and laparascopic surgery. I chose her since she was highly recommended by many professionals. I was very impressed with her extensive knowledge and expertise in this field. She performed the laparascopic surgery and did an amazing job of cleaning up the mess of endometriosis (in me) to the best of her ability w/o compromising my fertility. I am forever grateful. The tremendous pain i experienced w/ my period due to the endometriosis was something i really wanted taken care of. she promised that about 60% of the pain would be gone. she was right! I still have some pain but feel A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER. i am very grateful. I also wanted to mention what a sweet,and understanding doctor she is. Her bedside manner was terrific and i highly recommend using her above anyone else.


I’ll never forget the uplifting sense of anticipation I felt… I had reason to believe I’d finally found a doctor who could understand the myriad of symptoms that had negatively impacted my life for so many years. My anticipation grew with each step as I frantically made my way out of the subway station and began looking for “Spring” or “Sullivan” both of which I’d been told I couldn’t miss. Armed with my backpack brimming with operative reports and internal photos, and my mind brimming with questions, I continued toward the address on the card. “What should I ask her… what will she ask me?” I wondered as I soldiered on. “Be clear,” I reminded myself, “Answer intelligently and understandably.” “What if she thinks I’m a drug-seeker even though I’m already in pain management… what if she thinks I’m some kind of ‘basket case’ for having gone to pain management in the first place?” I approached the office as many similar thoughts, questions and concerns continually raced through my head. I nearly stopped short when I realized I could sum it all up simply and effectively. I wanted my life back! I wanted the chronic pain to end and to get my life going again in first gear. I entered the vestibule and my immediate choice to ride the elevator just one flight up to Dr. Kerin Orbuch’s office, made me wonder if getting my life back was still a realistic, attainable goal.

Entering the reception area, I foolishly leaned backwards into a Tai Chi Wall of Water. Everything was soaked! My clothing, the reports and photos I’d so dutifully gathered (and remembered to bring), the list of medications from the pharmacy, just about everything was dripping wet! My husband calmed me and, before I had the time to dry off, I heard a staff member call my name. It was time to meet Dr. Kerin Orbuch; my very first female OB/Gyn and, in many ways, my last hope for effective treatment of my endometriosis. A sense of calm washed over me. Like the ineffable calm that comes from a walk on the beach. That’s what the whole experience has been like, a walk on the beach with a treasured friend. It started with phone call and, for me, it’s never ended. Since that first day, Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch and her staff have proven to be the embodiment of knowledge, professionalism, kindness, consideration, understanding and, most of all, patience. And it all started that day in her office.

Dr. Kerin Orbuch listened to me. She asked all the right questions to gather my history and was supportive and understanding when my answers brought me to tears. After a gentle but thorough examination and a learned review of my somewhat soggy operative reports she did more than accurately diagnose my condition. She confidently told me she could change my life… and that’s exactly what she did. During the 8 hours that transpired between an arm-in-arm stroll into the Operating Room and the sight of her smiling face in recovery, Dr. Kerin Orbuch saved me (and my family) from endometriosis. She made it possible for me to get my life back! We are all grateful beyond words for her expert care. During the years since my surgery, Dr. Kerin Orbuch and I have remained in touch. It is an inspiration and a pleasure to know her. Not only as a sincere medical professional, dedicated to her patients but also as an intelligent, kind, caring human being I’m proud to count among my friends.
When choosing a Physician, class placement and down-to-earth approachability are all too often mutually exclusive. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is a cutting-edge physician with a bedside manner that includes the extra “tucking in” her patients find so comforting. Her learned expertise in the operating room gave me my life back… her caring gave me another friend to share it with.
Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch is one of the best doctors I have ever met and I’m so grateful that there are still physicians that actually love what they do. She listens to you and is thorough when discussing your options. Dr. Kerin Orbuch held my hand through this sometimes painful process of diagnosis and helped me find solutions to my medical issues; something that so many doctors before her were unable to do. I highly recommend her as a doctor but also as someone you can trust for your gynecologic conditions.

In 2012 my primary care physician recommended that I get a second opinion to address my combined issues of infertility, fibroids and debilitating menstrual periods. He referred me to Dr. Kerin Orbuch.

As many patients have written about their initial visit, Dr. Kerin Orbuch set aside time to have a thorough discussion about my history, symptoms and complaints about pain. After listening to everything she asked if anyone had ever brought up the possibility of endometriosis and said that my combined symptoms – “cramps” for up to two weeks sometimes, painful sex, a constant pulling sensation in my lower left abdomen, bowel issues and unpredictable incapacitating pain for at least a day a month – suggested a very high probability of the condition. During the following exam she partially confirmed her suspicions with a quick, but uncomfortable diagnostic check, and spotted what looked like a polyp in my uterus during a routine ultrasound – later confirmed to be another fibroid.

In the follow up visit Dr. Kerin Orbuch suggested three avenues of treatment: hormones, pain management or surgery. Long story short, although I wanted to pursue surgery, life and work made taking adequate time off for recovery an issue. I ended up taking prescription pain medications for a more than a year while waiting to schedule my robotic surgery.

During the pre-surgery consultation Dr. Kerin Orbuch went over everything I neededto know, do and consider in having a surgical procedure. Bring your husband, partner, friend… someone – it’s a lot to take in! I had done my own research and knew that I wanted the Da Vinci robotic laparoscopy over the standard treatment, but she still took the time to go over the differences before we finalized my plan.

Surgery: I guess a lot of people have a tough time with the bowel prep – I didn’t think it was so bad and got through it no problem. I had the surgery at Beth Israel – it’s not the Four Seasons, but everyone I encountered was compassionate and professional. Surgery went well, but took hours since Dr. Kerin Orbuch found that I had implants and adhesions everywhere. She also removed the fibroid and did a thorough check of my bladder. Recovery from the anesthesia was the definitely the hardest part of the whole experience for me. I woke up in a lot of pain and distress, but the nurses listened and treated me accordingly.

Recovery was much easier that I had expected. Two days of being sore, two weeks of feeling bloated, but up and around (albeit limited and slowly at first). I’m glad that I gave my self enough time to ease back into being active. Over the first few months my five tiny incisions healed well – I actually think my”new” belly button looks better than the original (;

Of course, the more important part is that day-to-day I am feeling so much healthier and comfortable. I am so grateful that I was able to have this surgery – wish I hadn’t waited so long!

I love Dr. Kerin Orbuch. She has been nothing but kind, gentle and supportive. I met her nearly 6 or 7 years ago. From the get go she treated me like a sister. I have suffered for migraines since I was a little girl, and she was the first OBGYN to tell me that taking the birth control pill while having “complicated” migraines can increase the risk of stroke. Having stroke in my family history, I thought I should listen and take her direction. Some may say that the opinion is a bit conservative, but why wouldn’t one be cautious!? She literally said, “I’m telling you as if you were my own sister.”

In addition, Dr. Kerin Orbuch has been there to listen to me through many painful periods. We finally did some tests and found endometriosis which she later removed laparoscopically. As I mentioned earlier, she was kind, gentle and supportive. My biggest concern was that I would still be able to have children. She comforted me by sharing that many of her patients went on to have children, and just to keep believing. I also felt so comfortable with Dr. Kerin Orbuch to share that I was struggling with a drinking problem, and that I had taken action toward a better path. Upon hearing, I could see and feel her sincere happiness by hearing I was caring for myself. She shared that caring for my health would only increase my chances to carry one day. Though that day has not arrived (biological clock is a tickin’, ha!), I still continue on my healthy path with patience, hope and faith. Lastly, I’ll share that my insurance changed recently when switching jobs. I’m GUTTED that the office doesn’t accept the new insurance so I have to move on to find another doctor. I’m still dragging my feet as I have yet to find one. I actually paid out of pocket for a follow-up visit on the endo recovery because I simply would rather stay with her. Though I’m hopeful to find another good OBGYN, I know she won’t be Dr. Kerin Orbuch.


For 3 decades I have suffered w/ severe Endometriosis.

I have been to a parade of Gynecologists that have said they “treat Endo”. As I know now, that isn’t true. Dr. Kerin Orbuch is a very different doctor & is a dedicated specialist.

When I met Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch I was so relieved to see a “normal” person. She wasn’t wearing a white doctor’s coat & instantly a feeling of comfort came over me. To this day I have Never felt like I have ever asked too many questions or been a bother to her. Unfortunately that is a huge problem with too many Doctors today.

I have known Dr. Kerin Orbuch for almost 4 years now & am delighted to recommend her as an Endometriosis Specialist. That is exactly what she is! She doesn’t deliver babies or do general GYN, she only sees women w/ Endo, imagine that!!!

I am preparing to have a second surgery soon & although I am nervous, I am confident that Dr. Kerin Orbuch will do the best she can. She is thorough, precise & kind.

Be Well,

I didn’t realize how bad the pain had become until it was suddenly gone. My experience with endometriosis started with painful periods when I was in my teens and progressed over 20 years to the point where I was unable to function on a daily basis. When I finally found Dr. Kerin Orbuch, I was experiencing constant pain and pulling over the entire left side of my abdomen and pelvis. I couldn’t walk normally, I couldn’t sit normally, and I couldn’t have sex without pain. Dr. Kerin Orbuch showed compassion and attentiveness as she listened my concerns, explained the treatment options, and ultimately helped prepare me for surgery. The surgery itself and the recovery went more smoothly than I could ever have imagined. Using robotic-assisted laparoscopy, Dr. Kerin Orbuch and her team removed several endometriosis lesions, a dermoid cyst, and scar tissue as well as my diseased left ovary and appendix. I remember waking up from surgery and immediately knowing that something was different – the left side of my body felt free. Over the next few days, I continued to feel better, and within one week, I was back at work full-time. It has been almost three months since my surgery, and I feel like a new person. Dr. Kerin Orbuch helped dramatically improve my quality of life, and I can’t thank her enough for that. I only wish I had found her sooner!



It all started about a year ago, I had given birth 2 years earlier to twins via IVF and ever since had various issues. Thinking all were related to the treatments and birth, I kept shrugging them off. About a year ago I started having terrible pains in my abdominal area and back pains. In addition, my chronic yeast infections, or so I thought, came back with a vengeance. Later I learnt they were not YI – they were a result of endo/IC.

I started my journey with a regular gynecologist. She did an internal and when I jumped from the pain of the spectrum, she told me I had a UTI. She gave me antibiotics instantly and then took a urine test. When the test came back negative, she told me to stop antibiotics. Understandably, I left that practice and transferred to a NY Gyno, thinking perhaps she’ll shed some light. She examined me and diagnosed me with bladder and kidney issues. She referred me to a NYC top urologist and told me he would be able to help.

After a series of embarrassing, humiliating and painful testing, the urologist diagnosed me with an infection and overactive bladder and put me on medication. He told me most of my pain is not from that but let’s see how much is left after. I took the meds, with all the side effects, and it did nothing. When he told me, and I quote, “ok we’ll try another one, there are 100’s we can try..” I looked him in the eye and said “doc, honestly, are any going to help?” and he said probably not. I said thank you for being honest, I think I will pass! He suggested I go to a gastroenterologist; perhaps it is a stomach issue.

I walked into the gastro’s office to be met by a group of 90+ senior citizens. Wonderful, I thought, they’re 90, I am 35 – what do I have to look forward to!! Well that gastro had this little black book where he would look up what disease I might have and what medication to take. He was highly recommended, mind you by all, but until today I can not figure out why. He had this big poster board of the body and would keep taking it out from behind him and showing it to me. I felt like I was back in school! He had me do about 20 different tests, sonograms, x-rays, etc. and each time he looked more stumped then before. He called me back about 6 times to his office and every time made me undress, put on gown, examine and tell me – hm let’s do another test and try another med. At the point that he suggested I do a colonoscopy, I revved up enough energy to go for another opinion at yet another doctor. The pain was getting worse, spreading around shooting all over. In the grocery I would suddenly double over from pain, driving I would suddenly have to pull over to massage the pain. I had a masseuse come to my house weekly to massage some of the pain – it was so bad at times. I made my daughter a birthday party, woke up that morning and couldn’t move from pain. I called my friend and told her she had to take over set up and run the party I couldn’t move a muscle. I couldn’t sit properly – later on to find out I had adhesions and endo all over my rectal area. I would fold myself in half just to stretch out the painful areas for some relief. Because of all the pain, my body shifted and kind of leaned on the few parts that weren’t in pain, causing more pain there too. In short, I was a mess!!

Moving on, I did some more research and continued my lovely journey with the next top gastro in Manhattan. He said a colonoscopy was unnecessary – I was happy to hear! He suggested since I have IBS it’s probably just constipation and I need more fiber and some miralax. The pain was excruciating and the miralax did nothing. He switched me to Metamucil but to no avail as well. I stopped it myself and went back to him, gd alone knows why. He suggested I meet with his nutritionist.

Reluctantly I did knowing in my gut it had nothing to do with my eating habits and she gave me a whole new diet. I tried it for about a week and nothing really changed. My appetite was not that great any more from all the pain and adding more fiber just made it worse. The gastro then told me it might be combo gastro/uro and I should see another urologist. After much begging and harassing, I finally got this gastro and my urologist to talk. They both decided it must be my IBS and called it a day. I asked them about IC and they laughed and told me no such thing!! They told me – a lot of people live with pain. You have to figure out how to make the paint livable but don’t think you will get rid of it for good. I looked at them in horror and thought I am 35 – there is absolutely no way I am living with pain.

I proceeded to do more research, and each time I found something that looked promising, I would run to yet another doctor another med another false hope. Me and Google became good friends.,, – all good buddies of my research!! I joked about opening up a clinic one day – it seemed I knew more than most of the docs.
My husband suggested we go back to our general doctor – perhaps he can shed some light on all of this. After hearing my entire history and my wild goose chase for some answers, he sided with the gastro and said it was just my IBS and I should add more fiber to my diet. I tried to stay calm and asked him “are you serious??” he said, and I quote, “I am just a small hick town doctor, I have no idea” – I was lost.

I am not a person who allows aches and pain to take over my life and I am more of the suck it up, ignore it, it will go away type. Trust me, I tried sooo hard to do just that – but this pain was not ignorable. My friends could not figure out what happened to me. I was always a strong busy type always on the go and I became a sluggish homebound painful wreck! There were weeks, not just days, but weeks, I would be home in bed from the pains. Sleep was history and painkillers were candies. Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, ibuprofen, even prescription pain killers – nothing took away the pains.

As my research continued I chanced upon this condition called endometriosis. I asked around and was told to go to my gynecologist. The only way to really know is through surgery but she might be able to help. My gyno told me it’s possible, she’s not convinced about it but first I should go to a spine specialist to make sure everything is ok with my spine. Perhaps that was causing some of the pain. She said she doesn’t believe it was causing all of it but some of it. I figured I was so desperate it was worth a shot to relieve some pain at least. I went to the spine specialist and had the scare of my life when the nurse checked me and kept asking if I was ever tested for scoliosis. The doc walked in after and did his own exam concluding that I had an unbalanced body and some physical therapy would probably help. I wasn’t interested in any more “probably” diagnosis so I left.

Once again I was left lost, frustrated and alone. I decided it was time yet again for my own personal research and prayers!
I am associated with an organization for infertility so I asked around there about the endo/adhesions condition and was directed to Dr. Kerin Orbuch. I walked in to her office and I knew I was in the right place under the right guidance. The office staff were courteous and sympathetic, something I haven’t found in most medical offices. She sat me down and explained it all to me – the endo, the adhesions, the IC, all of it with such patience, understanding and sympathy. She was honest and did not give me any false hope or any unnecessary testing or treatments. I felt like she could have gone through it herself – she was sooo knowledgeable and helpful. I scheduled surgery asap and breathed for the first time all year. My friends and family marveled how quickly I jumped to that surgery – and I told them when you go through what I did and you are finally directed to the right doctor and the doctor says all the right things – you know it’s right. And OMG was she a miracle worker! A true messenger from gd. She called to see how I was coping the day before surgery with the bowl prep. She walked me through the entire procedure from beginning to end. The day of surgery, she was at my side, holding my hand from beginning to end, explaining every move of hers and the other doctors and nurses involved. After surgery, she patiently and precisely instructed my husband and I about the aftermath! She was clear, specific and understanding throughout. She called every day after the surgery to check up how I was progressing and assisted tremendously with every discomfort. I am back to my strong healthy self. My journey is just about over and Dr. Kerin Orbuch continues to be my guidance with some after issues that I am having. But nothing even close to what I went through. I am a different person and I feel great!
Thank you Dr. O!

I highly recommend Dr. Kerin Orbuch as a gyneocolgist and as a surgeon. She’s very caring and really takes time to listen to your concerns and answer all of your questions. A few years ago I found out I had uterine fibroids but didn’t thoroughly understand my condition until I started seeing Dr. Kerin Orbuch. Last summer she performed a laprascopic myomectomy to remove them and the surgery could not have gone smoother. Despite having 5 quite large fibroids taken out, my scars are minimal (and fading fast!). I’ve had no adhesions and I was back to work 2 and a half weeks after the operation. I can’t imagine seeing anyone else.

I have never met a doctor more caring and understanding to what hell I was going threw. After being misdiagnosed many times and suffering for most my life I finally am healing. Doctor Iris Kerin Orbuch gave me the chance of a new life! She’s very patient, kind and detailed in explaining things I didn’t understand and I knew exactly what I was or could get into during surgery.


Last year I turned 50 and was hospitalized twice for suicidal plans because of the pain I was in. Pain has been an integral part of my life since I was a teenager. When I was in high school I passed out from migraines and was in so much pain from my period that they put me on birth control long before I was sexually active. It helped some, but it made my digestive problems worse.  My period started when I was 11 and came every 23-28 days. From the beginning I had severe cramps and lots of clots. In college I learned not to go to the ER for pain or GI problems (severe diarrhea.) Since then I have been told by many doctors that what I’m feeling isn’t possible, is normal, that I’m drug seeking, or that maybe I have a low pain tolerance. I went through some fertility testing in the late 1990’s. I never wanted to attempt in vitro because I already had so many problems with my period. No one mentioned endometriosis as a possibility at that time. No one ever asked me if sex was painful until 2017. I just didn’t want to have sex very often and I kept having UTIs and pelvic “discomfort” for days after sex. I thought this was normal.

When Dr. Kerin Orbuch explained centralized sensitization to me I could only cry. She understood the ever-increasing layers of pain I had been in for almost 40 years. We had to look at the migraines, vertigo, occipital neuralgia, neck pain, low back pain, ovarian cysts, severe cramping with bowel movements, pain with urination and frequent urination, and try to use food, movement, and medicine to settle my nervous system down. She assembled a team that included a pelvic floor physical therapist, a physiatrist, a nutritionist, a therapist who specializes in pelvic pain, a urologist and a general surgeon and ordered a different kind of MRI than I had had before. For the months before surgery this team and I worked really hard to get me in the best shape possible before surgery. Surgery took almost 5 hours and included 4 surgeons. I am 3 months post-surgery and feel better than I have in years. I’m still getting trigger point injections and have physical therapy twice a week, but as Dr. Kerin Orbuch said it took my body 40 years getting into this mess and it will take some time to heal the layers. I now have hope for the future and I want to live. Thank you, Dr. Kerin Orbuch.

I have suffered with extreme pelvic pain for the past seven years. After having six surgeries in the last ten years, I started to doubt my doctors and accept a life with pain. I was referred to Dr. Kerin Orbuch and instantly liked her. She was like a medical detective and ruled out all other possibilities. My surgery was a success and I am finally pain free.

Dr.Orbuch preformed a total hysterectomy plus removal of massive strictures just over five months ago, using robotic surgery. Since the months after the surgery Dr.Orbuch has continued to stay in touch with me. She is not only kind, personable and extremely talented, she also really cares about her patients. I never felt as if I was a number she always wanted to know how I was as well as how my life was going.

As kind as Dr. Kerin Orbuch is, her staff is also just as wonderful. Evette and the other women in the office always make me feel at home and comfortable. I only wish I had this experience at all my Dr.’s offices.

Struggling with endometriosis is something that has become a huge part of my life. Having a disease that can be so painful can be debilitating and scary, as well as frustrating. With so little understood about the disease and very few doctors that specialize in it, it is hard to get clear answers and very often I have found there to be little sympathy for those suffering with endo.

After three major surgeries in the D.C. area, I found myself in need of a fourth surgery in less than eight years and after a great deal of research was referred to Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch. Meeting with Dr. Kerin Orbuch was a refreshing experience for me. In her, I found a doctor who was not only knowledgeable of the disease and a highly respected surgeon, but someone who took the time to thoroughly examine my case, understand and have sympathy for my personal challenges, and spent time with both my husband and I making sure all of our questions and concerns were answered. Dr. Kerin Orbuch was very thorough in her approach, brought together and coordinated a team of specialist to handle the different facets of my case, and made herself available to me before and after my surgery. I had no doubt about how much she cared about my surgery and recovery, and was touched by how much she cared about me personally.

I greatly appreciate the kindness and concern Dr. Kerin Orbuch showed toward my husband and I, as well as her expertise, and I am very thankful to have been under her care. I have and will continue to highly recommend Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch to those suffering with endo, and hope that more doctors will follow in her footsteps.”

PHONE: (310) 651-7333         OFFICE: 9001 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 207 Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 651-7333
9001 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 207
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

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